Now that more people are gearing towards online dating when connecting with single people, there’s a bigger chance that you’ll be matched with someone from the other side of the globe. You can’t control who you fall in love with. Whether if that person is from your home country or from international borders.

As someone who’s dated and made friends with people from different regions across the world, I can say that no matter how unique people are in their own little ways, they have embraced their country’s culture even if they weren’t aware of it which is pretty reasonable.

When you’re trying to make international dating work, you not only get to learn new things and be more open-minded about different cultures, but you also get to discover some new things about yourself as well. There are lots of people saying that international dating would bring only heartbreak because of the fact that either you and your match don’t have the same religion, don’t like the same food, or share the same dating perspective. There are lots of people saying that international dating would bring only heart break because of the fact that either you and your match don’t have the same religion, don’t like the same food, or share the same dating perspective.

International dating lets you to be more open minded about different things

While growing up, we tend to see a lot of stereotypes either if it’s being portrayed TV or said by the people around us about people from other countries. Because of this, we tend to develop misconceptions that lead us to believe that people from certain countries are known because of this or that.

One example is dating Russian women. Men are afraid to date them not because they’re intimidated by their beauty, but because they were made to believe that Russian women are gold-diggers. Which they definitely are not!

But now that we’re all rational adults, we’re more open to the world where we can get to meet people from different countries and learn about their culture rather than make assumptions or listen to stereotypes. 

On international dating, cultural differences it to be very much expected. Your partner is from another country who grew up with values that are very foreign to yours. Whether if it’s from the way they talk or how to perceive things, dating someone from a foreign country could be quite challenging. Especially on the “getting to know you” part.

Learn about different cultures

As you get to know one another, you start to appreciate your differences in the cultural aspect. You get to know the jokes that make them laugh, the things you should not do around them, or the things that they like to do.

But even if you grew up form a different culture, finding similarities in a long list of differences is essential.

Yes, opposites attract but finding something of a neutral ground is better. Whether it’s a hobby, political opinion, or religious affiliations.

Bottom line is it all comes down to compromise and understanding. 

International dating lets you get to discover more about yourself

Whether if you met in an online dating site or through a mutual friend, as you get to know each other, you tend to discover more not only about the other person but about yourself as well. 

So, what can you discover more about yourself that you haven’t known yet?

Let’s focus this one on hobbies. 

When you’re dating other people, it’s only natural to want to try their hobbies or the things they like. As that goes on, you get to experience something new and from that, you immediately have this little voice inside your head that either says “Oh yeah, I think I’m in love with this.”, “Oh crap, what have I gotten myself into?” or “Uuhmm? Okay?.”

Whatever that little voice says, you get to learn something new about that experience either if it’s from an extreme adventure or a very chill one. But when you do get to date someone who’s hobbies or perspective are light years away from yours, compromise is your best friend.


If you’re sure that BOTH of you are happy in your relationship despite cultural differences, congratulations!

Culture and traditions play an important role in every person’s life. But remember it’s the two of you in the relationship, not both your culture’s approval. To make the relationship unique to both of you despite cultural differences, why not blend both your cultures together? Whether if it’s celebrating holidays or doing traditions, it’s all up to your drift.

Whatever you get to decide on, communication, compromise, and understanding is the key!