In the past month we have collectively been launched into lives of home quarantine, remote working, and social isolation. Plucked from the routines we were used to, we have been forced to rapidly adjust to more restriction than most of us have ever faced before.

If you were on the dating scene when the pandemic hit, you are likely feeling the current limitations even more deeply.

While the world has rushed to television and laptop screens for cyber-based soothing, what happens to the millions of singles who have suddenly lost their access to dating opportunities almost overnight?

Many of us are feeling the frustrations of having so much of our personal freedom taken away so abruptly. But for those who were actively seeking a partner, the vexation runs even more deeply.

Sounding at all familiar? Stay with me here.

Lockdown Dating is Such a Great Opportunity!

I am here to share with you the positive news that there are still some powerful ways that you can reignite your life both during lockdown and beyond. Dating in quarantine doesn’t have to be hard work – it can become a joy in your life! You have a great chance to take advantage of lockdown dating while you can. 

Here are your 7 tips to reigniting your lockdown dating life both at home and far beyond:

Reflect on Who You’re Seeking

In the not so distant past we were accustomed to being busy. Hectic schedules tended to fill our days, not allowing for a great deal of time to reflect. If you have previously found yourself frustrated with cycles of bad dates with the wrong people, then this could be a perfect time to change that. When was the last time you sat down and really thought through not only who you want to date, but who you really need in your life? Take time to pause for a moment and think through who you are choosing to date. This could be the moment you set off in a direction that’s far better suited to you.

Trust the Experts

None of us arrive in life with a guide book! Instead of leaving romance to chance, invest in your future by booking the services of a professional who aide you in your journey. An online dating coach is trained to help you navigate the sometimes challenging world of love and relationships. Now more than ever, it could be exactly the support you need.

Arrange Dates on Screen

With social distancing rules firmly in place for now, it might seem as if going on a date is off the cards. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Arranging an online video call with a potential match can be a very positive experience. Treat it as you would any other date by taking time for yourself to get ready, so that you’re feeling your best. Even if it doesn’t lead to further dates, it’ll be a great boost to your confidence.

Embrace Online Dating Again

Many singles are feeling less than inspired by online dating apps during times of home quarantine. Turn against the tide of negativity by putting yourself firmly back in the online dating driving seat. Start conversations with new faces and enjoy communicating about your current experiences. You might end up with a few dates in the pipeline for post lockdown dating times!

Work on your Self Value

The foundation of dating health and happiness of any kind, is having a great relationship with yourself first. Without a strong starting point of self appreciation, you will easily lose your way. To strengthen your experiences in both the on and offline dating worlds, take time to work on your self value during lockdown. Your future post-quarantine self will thank you for it.

Request Blind Dates for Lockdown dating

Sometimes, we all just need a little help from our friends. The same is true now more than ever. Pick up your phone and get in touch with your loved ones to see if they would be willing to set you up on a blind date or two after corona chaos is finally over. You might be surprised who you might end up meeting, or who your friends offer up that you hadn’t considered. Some of the strongest relationships in history have grown from a blind date, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t have the opportunity to do the same!

Be Gentle with Yourself

These are unprecedented times. None of us were prepared for the current situation. Therefore, none of us could ave prepared ourselves for how we would feel throughout it. It’s vital to your wellbeing right now to take time for yourself and to be forgiving of how you’re feeling day to day. The right person will still be there waiting for you, even if you have to take a few days off from finding them.

No one ever said dating life would be easy – especially so, during the current circumstances. However, there really is no reason to adopt such a negative stance on things. By doing so, you will only be limiting yourself even more than currently necessary.

By embracing these 7 tips, you will be equipping yourself with the tools you need to enjoy your dating life again – both in the current lockdown dating situation and beyond.

So what are you waiting for?

Start putting these positive steps into action in order to turn ‘lacklustre lockdown’ into something far more enjoyable.

Who knows what – or who – might arrive into your life as a result of doing so?