Why Is Online Dating So Frustrating For Singles?
If you’re a frustrated single, struggling to understand the modern age of online dating, you’re not alone. You stand with many sharing your same frustrations. Dating online isn’t easy. You have to understand the lingo, you have to know how to present yourself, and you have to know how to be flirty and fun through messages. You don’t really get the chance to share your full potential before someone decides whether or not they want to meet you.
You are likely looking for answers to 2 main questions:
1. Is online dating worth my time?
2. How can I make online dating work for me?
The answer to both questions is: Yes!
Although you may wonder why is online dating so frustrating, even hopeless at times, online dating can work for anyone. You will need perseverance and patience, of course. Let’s change your online dating experience from frustrating to fun-filled!
Step 1: Evaluate your expectations.
When it comes to dating, many of us have an idea of what we’re looking for. Most of us have no idea how to get there. Maybe, we’re setting our expectations too high. If you think about meeting someone and having a relationship, you’re putting unnecessary pressure on a first interaction. Instead, reframe your thinking. Consider that every first message you send to someone is merely a friendly introduction. Take the pressure off and see if it changes how people respond to you. Online dating works different for everyone, but, it can absolutely work if you evaluate and adapt.
Step 2: Putting yourself on display.
Online dating is a bit like shopping. Potential dates are paging through profiles, like items on a shelf. They will continue to page through these profiles until one stands out. Then, they take a second look. If your profile is eye-catching, you’ll get a third look. Now, how do you make your online dating profile stand out? Obviously, they see the picture first. Here are some tips:
Use a picture of you, taken by someone else (so no selfies)
Only you should be in your profile picture (no friends, family, etc)
Avoid having any clutter in the background
Go outside, natural light looks good on everyone
Aside from the profile picture, you want something written on your profile. You want to seem interesting, without seeming like you’re bragging or trying too hard. Write about the things you enjoy doing and focus on activities that other people can enjoy with you. Also, break up your text!
Step 3: Be bold, make a move.
Once you have someone’s attention, make an introduction. Through online dating, you don’t always know who is checking out your profile. Some websites allow it, some don’t. You’ll have to rely on the exchange of messages to tell if someone might be interested in you. If messages are short and sparse, it’s not likely that the other person is interested. If you’re both asking questions and the conversation is flowing, that’s a good sign. Actually, that’s a great sign. Good conversation is such an important part of any relationship.
Step 4: Be adaptable.
There is no exact science to online dating. Everyone is different, so something that works for someone else may not work for you. You have to be adaptable, willing to adjust elements on a regular basis. This can be simple, such as changing your profile picture or profile information. It can also be the type of messages you’re sending. Experiment with different methods of approaching people. Remove any elements that seem to be hindering your progress.
Step 5: Be confident in yourself and your worth.
Although online dating can be so frustrating, you have to remember that you are valuable and worthy. You will find someone, eventually. Even if the prize seems distant, it is on the horizon. Keep pushing yourself forward. If you find yourself getting discouraged from online dating, trying taking a break. You may even decide to try dating offline.
So why is online dating so frustrating? It’s only because you’ve been doing it wrong! Get in touch now with me and hire me as your Online Dating Coach. You’ll get faster results with less headache!