Episode 150
The Surprising Reasons Your Dating Life Sucks
Would You Like to Know Why Your Dating Life Isn’t Going the Way You Planned?
If so, PLEASE join us for this very special 150th Episode!
Wow, I can’t believe that I’ve reached such a huge milestone…and I couldn’t have done it without the help of all your amazing subscribers and guests.
I wanted to celebrate in a big way, so I’ve invited on a special guest for this one – a good friend of mine and in incredible Matchmaker – the legendary Gillian McCallum.
Gillian is an award winning Matchmaker and owner of the UK’s longest running Dating Agency Drawing Down the Moon She also runs several other relationship related businesses including the CoParenting Agency
We talk about all the reasons people aren’t succeeding in dating and exactly the steps they need to do in order to fix it.
It’s a very informative episode with some great advice you won’t want to miss!
Please Click Below To Listen And Subscribe Now!
About Gilliam McCallum
Gillian is an award winning Matchmaker and owner of the UK’s longest running Dating Agency Drawing Down the Moon She also runs several other relationship related businesses such as The CoParenting Agency
James it was an absolute pleasure to join you on your special celebratory 150th episode of the hugely successful Love Machine podcast.
I love spreading the message of matchmaking and how Drawing Down the Moon do all they can to change as many peoples lives for the better, forever.
Fingers crossed some of the great advice in this podcast helps people out there find the love they deserve!