Dating Expert Speed Dating Tips


Would you like to know the speed dating tips that really make a difference? As a Dating Coach, I’ve been running speed dating events for over twenty years. 

What I’ve noticed is that 10% of the attendees get 90% of the matches.  The rest will only get one or two at most. So in this log I’m going to tell you what these people do differently to everyone else.

Here are the best speed dating tips that you need to know.  If you follow them you’ll find you are much more relaxed and get a great deal more matches afterwards!


Arrive Early


If the event starts at 7pm then get there ten minutes before. That way you don’t have to walk into a room and have everyone staring at you. Arriving early gives you a position of power and give you the chance to catch your breath and work out how it all works.  It also makes it easy for the speed dating organisers too as slotting in latecomers can be extremely complicated!


Be Smart


The ones who get all the matches are the people who dress up professionally.  You need to make an amazing impression so trainers, sportswear, ripped jeans and hats just aren’t going to cut it. When I see guests dressed badly I sigh as I know they aren’t going to prove popular.  Even if you don’t normally dress smartly for your job, you want to look like someone who does.  Nobody wants to date a scruffy, unkempt person. 


Smile At Everyone


Off all the speed dating tips , this is the more obvious yet the most forgotten about. Many people are naturally a little nervous when they walk in as they don’t really know what to expect. So they end up looking miserable and give the impression they really don’t want to be there. You want to look friendly, fun and non threatening and the very best way to do that is to smile. Smiling lifts your eyes so you look like the sort of person everyone would love to talk to.  It’s also contagious so by smiling you’ll put the person you are speaking to at ease and make them grin back.


Bring A Prop


Don’t worry, I’m not suggesting you make a sign or bring in a small puppy…although I’m sure that might work well enough!  Instead, seek out an interesting brooch, necklace or tie. This gives you an instant talking point and will make you stand out from everyone else.  The more memorable you can be then the more likely they will remember you the next day.


Show An Interest


Everyone likes to feel special and I’m sure you do too. People like people who like them, so ask lots of questions and really really listen to what they say.  The key is find something they are passionate about and you’ll noticed they dramatically start to open up when they talk about it.  If it’s something you are also interested in then it’s clear you are compatible and have a great chance of getting a “yes.”


Use Humour


Speed dating can be quite a dry experience and it gets boring fast if you are constantly being asked the same questions over and over again. If you can make them laugh and see a funnier side to being there, you’ll make a much deeper connection. Tease them a little and don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself and this will make you much more endearing. 


Don’t Wait


At the end of the evening you’ll be told that you need to tick the boxes of anyone that you liked. Then if you both get a match you’ll be notified and given each other’s details. The problem with this is that by the morning you might be forgotten about…or even worse they might not have ticked you. So that’s why you need to say goodbye to them right before you leave. If you got on well, you can suggest exchanging numbers. Or if you are feeling brave. ask them to join you for a drink there and then.


Keep Going


It’s natural to be nervous the first time, but the more events you attend then the more you’ll enjoy them. Book a few, but choose different companies and locations so you can meet new people each time. Confidence comes once you know what to expect and every speed dating party is a new opportunity for you.


Speed Dating Tips Summary


I hope you found these speed dating tips useful.  If you’d like some personal dating coach advice about how to be more confident in dating then do get in touch. I’ve helped thousands of singles find partners and become more successful at speed dating.  If you have any questions, add them as comments and I’ll write a future dating expert blog with some more advanced speed dating tips .
