by James Preece | June 14, 2023 | Dating Podcast |
Episode 158 Snuggle Up! How Professional Cuddling Can Upgrade Your Love Life Have You Ever Considered Professional Cuddling To Cure Your Loneliness? Get ready to embrace the love on The Love Machine! In this episode, James Preece interviews Laura Just, founder of...
by James Preece | March 29, 2023 | Dating Podcast |
Episode 150 The Surprising Reasons Your Dating Life Sucks Would You Like to Know Why Your Dating Life Isn’t Going the Way You Planned? If so, PLEASE join us for this very special 150th Episode! Wow, I can’t believe that I’ve reached such a huge...
by James Preece | January 8, 2022 | Dating Podcast |
Episode 5 A Chat With the Military Matchmaker Have you ever thought about joining a dating agency? Carrie Moss from Edith Limited is known as the Military Matchmaker. In this episode, she talks with James about her experiences running dating events and why she now...
by James Preece | October 4, 2021 | Dating Podcast |
Episode 2 Virtual Dating Secrets Would you like to learn how to be successful with Virtual Dating? In this episode, James chats with Jade Birkin who is a single dating blogger from Jaded Dating. Jade tells James all about her experiences dating during Quarantine and...
by James Preece | September 21, 2021 | Dating Podcast |
Episode 1 The Love Machine Podcast Trailer The First Ever Trailer Episode In this quick introduction for his Love Machine Dating Podcast, you’ll find out why James Preece is the UK’s leading Dating Coach and Dating Expert. Enjoy a quick taster of what he...