So here we are, a few weeks into the start of a brand new year. We all started the year with loads of optimism and excitement and hoping that perhaps this little thing called the “pandemic” might just go away at last. The trouble is that many of us are still in some form of lockdown or another. The bars are closed, the restaurants are shut and you can only go outside with one person outdoors for exercise. For many people, things are quite difficult.
Many of us are feeling lonelier than ever before. So, I’m asking you as a love coach, have you decided to put your love life on hold for the time being? Perhaps you’re waiting for a better time when restrictions might get released a little bit or when the nights are a bit brighter or the weather’s a bit nicer. The problem with that is that we don’t quite know how long things are going to go on like this for. It could be several more months or even potentially much longer.
In the UK, it might not be until the end of the year before have all had our vaccinations and we have more freedom. That’s an awful long time to wait.
How long exactly are you going to put your love life on hold ?
Do you really want to put your love life on hold that long? Don’t forget that things take time when you start dating. It might take a few months from when you start chatting to somebody and to get to know them. Then you start dating and that might take six months and maybe after a year or so you might decide to get engaged. Then another year after that before you finally manage to get married. Then it’s at least a year after that if you are planning to have children.
Should you put your love life on hold and just wait?
What if you did nothing? What if you take no action whatsoever?
Well, that’s the answer. Nothing. All that time is completely wasted! Do you really want to be putting your love life on hold now, wasting life when you could be so much happier finding your ideal partner? Lots of people are still dating right now, believe it or not. They’re going out there for socially distanced walks and getting to know lots of lovely new people. Everywhere you go, there’s new opportunities and new people who would love to meet you. By doing nothing, by taking no action whatsoever – nothing is ever going to change.
Many single people are reaching out to me, asking what how can they can realistically meet somebody. I appreciate it might seem much harder than normal but there are still lots of ways to do this. Online dating sites and dating apps are full of people who have joined because they are looking for something a bit more. Once you know what you are doing then you are filter out the people who are more serious. Putting their love life on hold is not even an option to them.
Then of course, there’s matchmaking. Single professionals are signing up to them in droves all over the world. I know this because I work as a dating coach for so many of them. I have so many new clients already this year coming to me through the agencies. They know that life is short and don’t want to put their love life on hold for one second longer than necessary. It’s just a matter of choosing the best dating agency for you, which is something I can help you with.
The other obstacle that I hear is that people are confused about where to actually go on dates.
Dates are still fun and possible if you are careful
Well, socially distanced walks can be a bit annoying if you do them wrong, but you’ve got to think outside the box. Go somewhere a bit more creative and you’ll have a more memorable experience. If the weather’s bad one day, then rearrange it for a few days’ time instead. It’s no big deal at all. You can easily way a few days. We’re all stuck at home doing nothing and we have some degree of flexibility. In six months or a year’s time you’ll regret not having made the most of everything that you’ve got right now.
Walks don’t have to just be walking around the park or a trek in the woods. Order a book online and check out some interesting local walks. How about finding a ghost walk? There are so many interesting buildings outside for you to look at the architecture. You can do this. It’s only by taking this chance now and creating your own luck that you’ll start to work towards everything you’ve ever dreamed of. Trust me with this. I promise you that there are opportunities. There are people everywhere who would love to meet you, so start taking action.
If you’d like any help with this, I would love to give you some guidance. If you need some support along the way to make things a lot less difficult then get in touch today. I’ve been a dating coach for so many years now, and I would love to help you and make you my next success story. So, if you like what you’ve read, please don’t put your love life on hold anymore. Don’t pause things, get in touch with me and hopefully I can change your life…starting this week!