Adult Dating on Gumtree :  Lianne’s Latest Blog

I am very excited to bring you my latest guest post from Adult Dating Blogger Lianne Young. Lianne is an intelligent, vibrant, well-spoken and humorous woman. She is an expert in sex and relationships, dating and helping people build sexual confidence. She will be writing some very special adult dating blogger posts which bring you inside her very entertaining love life.

Warning – contains adult content so please don’t read if this bothers you!

Adult Dating on Gumtree

Adult Dating on Gumtree really does happen. The first date I chose closer to home was a local man called Steve. He was tall with close shaven blond hair. He was educated at Eton and a serving soldier. I had always had a fantasy for a man in uniform – my desire for someone strong and protective has always been a theme in my life.? 

We met for a drink in Twickenham where I lived at the time, and we appeared pretty compatible. However, my instincts told me there was something missing. I couldn’t put a finger on it right away.? 

Anyway, we went on a few dates over a week and, during that time, I sought advice from a friend on how long I should hold off before being intimate? Of course, I would quite happily have skipped the dinner dates and gone straight to bed.? 

Her answer was, helpfully, when it felt right. I told her that a lot of time had passed since my last physical encounter and I needed one badly. So, after the third date, I invited him back to my place, plied us both with enough alcohol to settle our nerves, and when we were relaxed, we ended up in the bedroom. 

So far, so good.? 

Now, I’m pretty loud when I do the deed. I just love sex. And I have no hesitation in letting my sexual partner know what I need, when I need it, and so on. Unfortunately, not so Steve! 


OMG, I don’t know what happened. It was as if he was making out with a blow-up doll. I was really freaked out. He was completely invisible and inaudible to me – he never spoke a word at any stage – not even a sound! When it was all over, it was a God-given fact that I would not see him again. It had felt like sex to him was a church-like experience! 

I tried a few other dates with local guys and experienced some strange behaviour from each of them (strange to me, anyway). I asked prospects to meet me in local bars for safety reasons and, apart from wearing smart clothes, I never drank on a date after my experience with Steve. I always made clear I had made an effort. But I rarely received effort in return. So often, I had men turn up in really casual or downbeat gear, some even wearing anoraks and sipping on pints of beer.? 

You can guess that one of my pet hates is a man who doesn’t make an effort to impress his date.? 

Then there were men who found it difficult to hold a sensible conversation. They would sit there, monosyllabically responding to my efforts to initiate a conversation. I was often left wondering how on earth they were able to write glowing profiles and communicate by email, but couldn’t do so face to face. I guess ghost-writers are everywhere! 


About Lianne Young

Lianne is an adult dating blogger.

Lianne is qualified via the Family Planning Association on sex education, law and policy.

She is also qualified in advanced business management and fitness training.

Her experiences of dating and her life knowledge will have you laughing, shocked, excited and educated in equal measure.

She is also an advocate for more open sexual attitudes, and changes to long-standing and hypocritical taboos against diversity in our society today.

Lianne Young