Tinder can be a great way to meet single men but only if you know what you are doing. There is a different dynamic when it comes to writing a Tinder bio for men and women. Truthfully, we’re looking at completely different things when we first open a profile. Women look at the username and the profile picture before skimming through the bio. In that second, a decision is made to swipe left or right. Guys tend to look at the profile pictures with a bit more thought. That means, having a great picture is crucial. If you’re not sure what makes a picture great,

Here are a few suggestions:

– Clear, close-up of your face
– At least one full-body picture, but not as your main
– Flirty look or a genuine smile
– Avoid selfies or crop them to look natural
– No bathroom/mirror pictures

With that said, choosing an awesome set of pictures if only the first step. Let’s look at how to write a tinder bio for women who want to sell themselves as dateable. First, you’re going to want to be brief. Let’s face it, Tinder is all about making quick decisions. No one is going to read a block of text before even swiping. Save the details to pepper into the “getting to know each other” conversations. Otherwise, you won’t find yourself with many matches! Of course, you should share information about yourself. Here’s how to do it right:

– Be brief by listing your hobbies in point-form (eg: I like swimming, dancing, and camping). This allows a guy to skim through your hobbies quickly and see what you have in common. Make sure you list one or two things that are rare or unique (like enjoying the opera).

– Include at least one thing about the ideal guy you’re looking for (eg: I like beards, I like tattoos, etc). This will encourage someone with those qualities to swipe right. Of course, don’t be overly descriptive or you’ll sound incredibly picky. This is just fun information you’re providing to encourage a match.

– Use humour to stand out from other profiles (eg: My superpower is always winning X game or chocolate is part of my survival kit). This lets him know you’re looking for a good time and you’ll be able to laugh together. Guys always look for a good sense of humour in women.

– Show him you’re chill with a relaxed and care-free bio (eg: I love lazy Sunday mornings). This follows the previous example with humour. It’s just something that naturally draws them into you.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to write a tinder bio for women. There are quite a few examples out there, but we’ll avoid calling anyone out. There is a “don’t” list for the creation of any bio. Here are a few details to leave off the bio:

– Deal breakers
– Previous relationships
– Hang-ups
– Too many descriptive words
– Blocks of text
– “I don’t know what to say, so just ask”

These details aren’t going to land you any matches. If you do have dealbreakers or hang-ups, let them come to light later in the conversations. You don’t want to miss out on a great date just because they felt intimidated or put-off by your profile.

The real secret on how to write a tinder bio for women is: Be natural. You want your bio to sound like you’re introducing yourself to someone. Don’t feel intimidated by the idea of being judged by your words.