If you’re someone in a long distance relationship, whether you have been for a while now or you’ve just gotten into one, there are some general rules to navigating the love the two of you have for each other. And usually, it’s a lot easier than people think to manage this! After all, you’ve got plenty of ways to stay in touch, and most long distance couples are only a couple of counties or states apart. 


However, when you’re a super long distance relationship, and the person you love is on the other side of the world, how are you supposed to cope? Well, we’ve got some tips for you below, to make sure the two of you stay strong together, no matter how far apart you are. 


Communicate Correctly


The first thing to do is communicate correctly with your partner, to make sure you’re talking openly and honestly, and you’re never cutting your significant other off from properly expressing themselves – that can be hard enough over a messenger app! 


Most of all, don’t ever be afraid to bring something negative up. Sure, you and your partner just have the laptop screen to see each other through, but that doesn’t mean you should let things that have hurt or upset each other slide. Have boundaries and expectations for your relationship, even if you’re not physically together. 


Have a Plan

As exciting as a long distance relationship can be, it can also be exerting. Though staying in constant communication and expenses for travel often outweigh the benefits, there are easier things that can make it more manageable. From knowing about options for london bridge luggage storage and airport transportation to having helpful apps to minimize disconnection, thoughtful research goes a long way when committing to a LDR. Not only will taking the time to research such topics provide assurance that you are ready for the journey ahead, but it will ultimately save time and money in the long run. Therefore, while we may not be able to control being apart from each other, we can certainly take active steps towards creating an easier process overall.

You’re going to need to have a plan, to make sure you have something to work towards as a long distance couple. After all, you’re going to be together physically one day, and knowing you’ve done enough work in the meantime is key. So, what does that mean for you?

Well, it’s different for all couples, but one of the main things you’ll need to do is choose where to live. And for one of you, that’s going to mean getting something like a spouse visa to ensure you two can set up a home together. So, make sure your long term, 5 year plan includes something like this – including each other in your life plans is just another hallmark of a great relationship! 


Be Realistic In Your Long Distance Relationship


Finally, being realistic will ensure you’re never getting angry at your partner for missing a virtual date night or not being able to get back to you straight away. You know what kind of life they’re leading, and how different it is to yours right now, and that’s something to always keep in mind. 


So, make sure you keep on communicating, but you’re never pushing or being impatient. Keep in mind that your partner is working, or sleeping, or simply spending time with their friends where they are. Similarly, you can take time of your own for these things without feeling guilty, if you understand the reality of your relationship from the start. 


A super long distance relationship is hard; we all know that. However, it can be made much easier with tips like those above, so keep them in mind.

