Plenty of Fish Review
Plenty of Fish is one of the famous free dating sites in the world. As a Dating Coach, I often get asked if it’s any good so here is my Plenty of Fish Review.
Online dating can be a gamble, especially if you don’t know where to start. There are dozens of websites, each claiming to be the best at what they do. How do you know which ones are legitimate and which ones are simply trying to lure new members? The answer: reviews. Looking at the reviews of any dating website is a great way to know how previous members felt about the experience. We’re going to be looking at PlentyOfFish, the dating website that has become a staple among most singles. They also have a mobile app for dating on-the-go. We’re not going to review the app or how the website functions. We’re looking at how well it lives up to the claims.
The Pros:
– The website is completely free to use unless you want to pay for additional benefits. You can message other users back and forth without having to worry about using tokens or spending real money. You can browse as many profiles a day as you want to, without having a cap. Everything most other dating websites charge for, POF offers you for free. Now there are additional benefits that cost money and many POF users will say they are over-priced. However, when stacked against other dating websites, POF’s free-messaging is actually a huge pro.
– Plenty of Fish offers consistency. This is a big benefit to many people who can’t keep up with the way the internet is always changing. The interface of and the quality of members doesn’t change too drastically. This makes it easy to keep up with and more enjoyable for most users. Whether it’s easy-to-find message boxes or the color scheme on the loading page: You know what you’re getting, even if you’ve been away for months or years.
– POF has a compatibility test to help you match with other members. This compatibility test is almost a half an hour long. It is filled with dozens of questions that rank who you are as a person. It decides whether you’re a giver or a taker. It decides if you’re honest or tend to look the other way. It uses the answers you provide to evaluate your overall personality and hopefully make the perfect match. Other members who have filled this test out will see how you matched to their own answers. This can be a great screening tool for people who want someone more compatible.
– The website offers dozens of matches, regardless of your location. One thing that can’t be argued about POF is that the website serves as a dating staple in many different countries. There are members from all over the world, with a variety of backgrounds and personalities. The variety in members is something that most other websites can’t boast about.
The Cons:
– The website appears to have quick a few “fake” people. This doesn’t refer to false profiles, rather people with poor intentions. Individuals who are using the website as their own joke and don’t have any intention of meeting/connecting with other members. These users like to prolong the conversation, don’t meet in person and suddenly stop replying when they are bored. It’s impossible to tell these people from the genuine members of the website.
– Plenty of Fish doesn’t provide enough screening options for messaging. Anyone can message you unless you select certain genders/age ranges on your profile. You can even select a character limit for the initial message. However, most people will find a way around that one and simply type nonsense to get through. It’s hard to find someone serious about dating.
– POF doesn’t offer enough screening options. While many enjoy the compatibility test, more don’t bother filling it out. Therefore, it’s harder for some people to find proper matches. There are search filters that can choose locations/gender/ages, but that’s not enough to find that someone special. Most users don’t adequately fill out their profiles and only end up putting basic information. This is meant to encourage people to message them but often serves as a complete deterrent.
– The site doesn’t require a photo in order to message others. You do need to upload one, but it can be a dog or a boat. There’s no algorithm that tells the administration that you’re not using a photo of your face. If this was a requirement, there would be quite fewer people on the website only interested in playing games.
PlentyOfFish is a largely free-to-use website with the possibility of finding an advanced connection. Unfortunately, it’s the user-base that really determines the likeliness of those connections. PlentyOfFish has a questionable user-base, in that many people aren’t genuinely looking for love.
Overall, PlentyOfFish is an acquired taste. It works amazing for some and doesn’t work at all for others. If you’ve never tried setting up your own account, you are encouraged to. If you’ve tried and it was a swing and a miss, don’t bother going back in the future. That praised consistency generally means you won’t have any better luck the next time.
I’d love to you give your own Plenty of Fish Review if you’ve used the site. Please add your comments below.