Social media helps to showcase who you truly are. When you’re crafting your dating profile, you often aim to put your best foot forward. It’s almost like putting on a performance for an audience. Social media is comparable to “behind the scenes”. You tell people what you’re interested in. You share your hobbies. You may post pictures of work or family or your friends. The options are endless, and everything you share is another piece of the puzzle.
The question is do you approach someone at random or is there some kind of protocol. Since it’s a fairly new development in modern dating, there’s no formula to social media dating. There are guidelines you can follow though As a leading Dating Expert, here are some things to consider first.
Check Your Feed
If you’re already actively using social media, it might be a good idea to go through your content first. You don’t want to start cleaning out your posts, but maybe you’ll want to hide the occasional one. If it doesn’t show you in a good light then delete it. From there, you can use dating apps to encourage people to visit your social media. You’ve likely already seen this from other people. Connecting through social media feels more genuine than connecting through a dating site. Essentially, you’re giving a potential date something to draw from. This can either start a conversation or help to keep the conversation going.
Reaching Out
Social Media dating can be tricky so you have to do it the right way. You can message someone at random. It may seem obscure, but, it’s becoming more common. If you’d rather ease into it, start by liking their posts. It’s that simple. You may choose to go back and like older content they’ve posted. This shows you’re interested in them right away. From there, you can start leaving comments. You’re going to want to think of these as pick-up lines. They shouldn’t be super cheesy or super obvious. You can ask a question relating to the post or you can pay them a compliment. Leave out the emoticons. You don’t want to get stuck in the comments for too long though. You want to start a conversation as soon as possible. The sooner you message them, the sooner you can get to know them.
When it comes to messaging with someone, you don’t want to come across as needy. On the flip side, you don’t want to play hard to get. Be straightforward about your intentions. It will save you time in the long run.
What to Open With
Especially when you are new to social media dating, it can be difficult to figure out what to put in your messages to get the most response. However, you can’t just spam everyone with messages about how great you are. You have to think about the people you are trying to connect with, what you have in common with them, and what your relationship with them might be.
You can open with a pick-up line but it might not go down too well. You can open with a genuine compliment. You can message someone and just ask them how they’re doing. You don’t have to come up with a grand excuse to message them privately. Many people are taking this approach. There’s no reason you shouldn’t take full advantage of dating via social sites.
Flirting is OK
Did you know that you can flirt on social media? In fact, according to a recent survey, 53 percent of American adults have flirted on social media sites. Just be respectful and only do it if you know they are definitely single. If they don’t respond then drop in and move on. “Flirty” doesn’t have to be sexual to be interesting
Social Media Dating Warning
Don’t forget that social media sites like Instagram only tend to show the best parts of someone’s life. In fact, many people spend a lot of money on themselves in order to look good. According to a study, the average British person spends £269 a year on doing just that. Take what you see with a pinch of salt as photos could be filtered.
Limit Your Searching
You may want to keep in mind that it can be overbearing to browse through someone’s social media accounts. Pace yourself. You can browse more casually. There is a chance you’ll see past lovers on their social media. You may see other things you don’t like. Social media is never the full story, of course. If you want to reach out, just do it.
Social Media Dating is Just One Tool
Do make sure that you using a wide variety of different ways to meet new people. Social media dating can be used to supplement and compliment your real-life interactions. It shouldn’t completely replace them. Keep going on the more mainstream dating apps and sites too. That way you are going to get what you want much more quickly.