So, Mr Dating Guru…what is a Dating Coach and how does it all work?
That’s something I get asked on an almost dating basis. “What is a Dating Coach” and what exactly does it involve?” To some people, it’s something that fascinates them. After all, they’ve heard of a life coach, sports coach and personal fitness coach but never someone like me.
The thing is….once I’ve explained what I do each day….everyone suddenly says they wish they’d heard of me earlier! So I wanted to write a little blog about all the wonderful things my job entails. Then hopefully you’ll be able to understand more about how I might possibly be able to help you.
Dating Coaching is something that’s very big in America, but not quite so heard about over hear in the UK. In fact I’m just about the only male British Dating Coach that has spent well over a decade working in the in the dating industry. I like to think of myself as a personal trainer for singles. With me on their side to support, guide and motivate them then they can achieve anything!
Every day is different for me, but here are some of the most important things that I do:
I’m a Real Life Hitch
Whenever I tell people what I do, they always remember the fabulous film Hitch that starred Will Smith. This is a famous movie about a dating coach who works with professional singles. So yes, that’s pretty much me!
I offer a Dating Solution
Dating can be INCREDIBLY frustrating, especially if you don’t really know what you are trying to do. There’s so many dating sites, dating apps and opportunities that it can sometimes be overwhelming. It’s even worse when your dates don’t go that well or you’re not meeting enough singles. I’ve helped thousands of people put together a plan to help them become more successful with dating.
I work and collaborate with Dating Companies
The dating industry in the UK is growing each and every more. I work with long established online dating companies and matchmakers to help their clients find love. I also try to help new start up dating apps, dating agencies and dating companies to grow their business.
I run Singles Events
I absolutely love planning and host singles parties and speed dating evenings. It’s such a great way for singles to meet in a fun, relaxed face to face environment.
Many of the singles events I run are with the Single Solution and the Asian Single Solution .
I write dating advice for Magazine and Newspapers
I provide regular dating tips, quotes and dating expert comment for the Media. This has recently included ITV, OK Magazine and the Telegraph.
I write Dating Books
I’ve written six dating books and I’m working on my number right now. At least I am when I finally finish this blog! You can check them out here if you’d like to get one…or three.
I work as a spokesman for companies that need a Relationship Coach
I’m always open to offers and discussions from companies who might want to hire me. I’m currently doing something special with Works With Water and have some other big projects in the pipeline.
I give talks all over the World about dating and relationships
OK, it’s just been the UK so far! BUT I’ve had some really exciting invitations to talk oversea, so watch this space. If you’d me to speak at your conference, seminar or event then drop me a line now.
So there you go. Next time somebody asks me “What IS a Dating Coach?” I’m going to refer them to this blog!
Happy dating!
Hi James
I’m really interested in what you do.
Thanks Sue! I’ve dropped you an email 🙂