How To Overcome Heartbreak

The most important thing to remember is that healing from a break up takes time. It isn’t something that you’re going to get over immediately, so don’t rush yourself. It’s easy to tell ourselves to just “get over it”, but that’s not going to speed up your recovery. It’s a different time line for everyone too. So, accept your feelings. The only way to move past your emotions is by accepting them. Initially, they are going to be unpleasant. That is okay. You may need to cry and yell into a pillow. That is okay too. Healing isn’t linear.

As a leading Dating Coach, I want to teach you how to overcome heartbreak. There are a few things you can do to truly embrace your feelings, such as:

Art therapy
Talk therapy (or any other therapy)

You’re also going to want to avoid any triggers. It can be hard to resist checking the social accounts of an ex after you’ve broken up. You want to know what they are doing and whether or not they are moving on. This won’t help you to heal any faster. In fact, it will keep the wound fresh for longer. In order to let go, you need to remove triggers. One thing you might want to consider is packing up anything that reminds you of your ex. You don’t have to get rid of everything, but put it out of sight.

As you’re beginning to heal, you’ll want to remind yourself of your dreams and goals. There are probably things you wanted to do that were put to the side so you could focus on the relationship. Many of us lose part of our identity when we’re in a relationship. This can make it hard to remember who we are. Now, it’s not healthy to dwell on any relationship, but you’ll want to evaluate where you are. Take time to decide what you really want for yourself. A few other ideas to help you:

Write a forgiveness letter to yourself
Write a forgiveness letter to your ex (don’t send it)
Write a letter to your future self
Write a list of reasons you’re awesome
Write a list of things you want in the next partner
Write a list of everything you want to do now that you’re single
Write a list of people you can reach out to for help/comfort

It’s important for you to take time for yourself if you want to learn how to overcome heartbreak. There are many ways you can do this. For example: Take care of yourself. You want to eat healthy, get exercise, sleep well, and dive into your favorite hobbies. You may need to take up a new hobby. You may want to revisit old hobbies. By giving time to things that make you happy, you’re distracting yourself in the best way. After a break-up, some people also choose to create a schedule for themselves and set goals. This isn’t for everyone, but you can try it and see if it helps you. It can really help you learn how to overcome heartbreak. 

Before you rush out and start dating again, make sure you’re ready. If you’re feeling lonely, reach out to your friends and family. This could be a great time to meet new friends. You could even socialize with your coworkers. It’s healthy to spend time with the people who matter most to you.  After that it’s time to get back on the dating scene.  You may want to consider a dating agency or really good dating site for quicker results. 

Alternatively, book a dating coaching session with me and I can make sure we get you out meet someone even better quickly!